The 1st law of thermodynamics and internal energy


Internal energy E

  • Energy contained within the system,
    • excluding the macroscopic kinetic energy of motion of the system as a whole
    • excluding the potential energy of the system as a whole by the external force
  • Absolute value is arbitrary
  • State valuable
    • uniquely determined by the state
    • independent from the path and hysteresis


The 1st law of thermodynamics

  • The internal energy changed by
    • Energy transfer by heat 𝑄
      • Convention: from the outside to the system is (+)
    • Energy transfer by work −𝑊
      • Work from the outside to the system -> the system is compressed -> minus sign of work (-)
  • ΔE = Q −W
    • In a differential formula, d𝐸 = d𝑄 −d𝑊 = d𝑄 −𝑃d𝑉
  • This law is actually the law of energy conservation.
    • Energy added to matter by heat and work does not disappear, but is stored as internal energy.
    • If the matter give energy by heat or work, such energy is taken from the matter,  its internal energy decreases.